A recording of the David Mays Memorial service can be found at Eaglechurch.com in the messages archive.
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Missions Check Up
How healthy is your church in missions?
- Missions as Purpose:
For our church leaders, reaching the world for Christ is a part of the reason--or the overarching reason--we exist as a community of believers.
- Characteristics of Purpose:
Purpose answers the “why?” question. Why does your church exist? What business are you in? What is your aim?
Purpose is your “North Star.” It is the compass heading against which you evaluate direction and progress.
Purpose is broad, fundamental, and enduring. It is larger than you can ever accomplish.
- Implications of Purpose:
Purpose implies maximum achievement and maximum effort. It means doing all you can to accomplish all you can toward the desired end.
Purpose pervades the whole organization. The purpose of the whole is the purpose of the parts. Every part exists for the purpose of the whole. Any part that does not contribute to the purpose of the organization is a spurious branch.
Therefore, the purpose of the organization belongs to every part of the organization. When missions is part of the purpose of the church, then it is part of the responsibility of every ministry, every age level, every interest level, and every individual in the church.
When missions is part of the purpose of the church, then it is part of the purpose of every particular ministry within the church. This means that missions is part of the responsibility of each paid and volunteer church leader and each of their ministries.
- The Next Level: Passion
What really excites and motivates our people, what gets them up in the morning, what they long for and pray for and work for with all their being, is the glory of God among all the peoples of the world, the worship of God among all nations.
- Steps to Passion:
Evaluate each ministry of your church for its contribution to missions. How important is it? How much effort goes into it? And how effective are those efforts?
Consider using a survey tool to assess the degree to which each ministry accepts missions as its responsibility and to clarify what efforts each ministry is making in missions. Sample survey instruments for staff and small group leaders are included in Stuff you need to know about Doing Missions in Your Church (Vol II). (click here)
Consider ways to help each ministry leader incorporate missions education and/or missions outreach and/or missions support into his or her ministry plan.